
Pressure micromanometer – thermometer
Modelo: HD2114.0
Portable pressure micromanometer thermometer with 20mbar built-in sensor. It measures absolute, relative and differential pressure, as well as temperature.
Pressure is measured using an internal module which is differential with respect to the atmosphere with fixed full scale. With the PP471 module acting as an interface, the instrument can use all the TP704 and TP705 series Delta OHM probes to perform the measurements. The temperature is detected using immersion, penetration, contact or air probes, with SICRAM module or direct 4 wire probes.
The sensor can be a Pt100, measuring range -200 °C +652 °C. Temperature probes are equipped with SICRAM module and factory calibration data are stored inside. The Max, Min and Avg function calculates the maximum, minimum or average values. The Peak function can be activated with external probes connected to the module PP471 and detects the presence of pressure peaks. Other functions include: the relative measurement REL, the HOLD function, and the automatic turning off.